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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


„Pe cine numim… EU!” ✦ Recital extraordinar Sergiu Cioiu

On December 1st, Enescu’s dearly loved "Romanian Rhapsodies" will delight…

Piano lightscapes ✦ Teo Milea & Kurt Laurenz Theinert

Two composers. A classical piano. A visual piano. Music meets…

Two pianos – winter magic ✦ Coral Solomon and Michael Berkovsky

A wonderful evening for classical music lovers with two exceptional…

FOREVER ✦ A Jazzy Café-Concert by Oana Lianu

FOREVER ✦ A Jazzy Café-Concert by Oana Lianu THE PRINCESS…

Water Entanglement – Book Launch Party ✦ Claudiu Murgan

List of guests: Nina Munteanu, author of ‘Water Is…’ Carly…

ToRo Fest ✦ International Salon of Literature, Visual Arts, Music

the fuzz ▪ the spy ▪ the thinker a dialogue…

Zaraza – It takes 2 to tango ✦ Coral Solomon & Michael Berkovsky

Join us for an AMAZING Friday Night of MUSIC &…

Alegria ✦ Symphonic Anniversary Concert ✦ December 1st 2018

On December 1st, Enescu’s dearly loved "Romanian Rhapsodies" will delight…

Ode to Spring ✦ Nofar Yacobi & Coral Solomon

We celebrated Spring with beautiful music written by great composers:…