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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


From Maria Tanase to Edith Piaf through little Paris ✦ Jezebel & Alexandru Burcă

Dancing in the chairs, with roaring standing ovations, and bravos until voices got raspy, the public loved Jezebel’s and Alex Burca’s show! This was Jezebel and Alex Burca’s first performance in Canada, so this has really been love at first sight! There was such a great connection these artists had with the public, their fresh, imaginative performance of the charming old Bucharest’s songs, the passionate chansonettes and melodies of the beloved Edith Piaf and Maria Tanase, delighted the public that sang along with them. This delightful evening ended with photos and autographs, people reluctant to leave, asking Jezebel and Alex to make sure they come back. Along with the public, we thank these wonderful artists for their performance, for bringing us the joy of music, for these bright moments.

  • YEAR 2017
  • WE DID Event Production

Jezebel & Alexandru Burca

Jezebel & Alexandru Burca