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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!


”Octave” ✦ A Serge Celebidache film, Toronto premiere

(EN) When an elderly man returns to his family home after decades of absence, the apparition of his childhood sweetheart triggers a rewind to the life-changing events from his youth.

(RO) Octav este cel mai nou film al regizorului Serge Ioan Celebidachi, un lung metraj care ne poate ajuta să ne reamintim cine suntem cu adevărat şi să ne facem curaj să ne explorăm trecutul. Este o drama care explorează teme universale precum timpul, nostalgia şi dragostea.

Cast: Marcel Iureș, Victor Rebengiuc, Andi Vasluianu, Lia Bugnar, Ioan Andrei Ionescu, Mihai Dinvale, Maria Obretin, Dana Rogoz, Silviu, Biriș, Codin Maticiuc, Vlad Rădescu, Ștefan Velniciuc, Cristian Bota, Alessia Tofan (Anna), Eric Aradits (Octav as child).

Directed by: Serge Ioan Celebidachi
Producer: Adela Vrinceanu-Celebidachi
Writing Credits: Serge Ioan Celebidachi and James Olivier

Language: Romanian with subtitles in English

Showtimes in Toronto: Sunday, December 3rd, 3:00 PM and 5:30 PM Venue: Fairview Library Theatre.


Alexandru Burcă

Alexandru Burca